Grupo de Neurociencia de Sistemas
Bases Neuronales de la Cognición
Diego Pafundo
Investigador Adjunto, CONICET
Auxiliar Docente, UBA
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El objetivo de nuestra línea de investigación se centra en el papel funcional de la inhibición local por interneuronas en los circuitos de corteza prefrontal, con especial énfasis en el balance de excitación/inhibición de las entradas sinápticas. Utilizamos ratones genéticamente modificados y técnicas de registros electrofisiológicos in vitro e in vivo junto con técnicas de análisis morfológicos y de inmunofluorescencia.
Publicaciones destacadas
- A novel role for the lateral habenula in fear learning. Sachella TE, Ihidoype MR, Proulx CD, Pafundo DE, Medina JH, Mendez P, Piriz J. Neuropsychopharmacology, 2022 May, 6 (47), 1210-1219
- Early NMDA Receptor Ablation in Interneurons Causes an Activity-Dependent E/I Imbalance in vivo in Prefrontal Cortex Pyramidal Neurons of a Mouse Model Useful for the Study of Schizophrenia. Pafundo DE, Pretell Annan CA, Fulginiti NM, Belforte JE. Schizophr Bull, 2021 Aug 21, 5 (47), 1300-1309
- Interneuron NMDA Receptor Ablation Induces Hippocampus-Prefrontal Cortex Functional Hypoconnectivity after Adolescence in a Mouse Model of Schizophrenia. Alvarez RJ, Pafundo DE, Zold CL, Belforte JE. J Neurosci, 2020 Apr 15, 16 (40), 3304-3317
- Distinct Properties of Layer 3 Pyramidal Neurons from Prefrontal and Parietal Areas of the Monkey Neocortex. González-Burgos G, Miyamae T, Krimer Y, Gulchina Y, Pafundo DE, Krimer O, Bazmi H, Arion D, Enwright JF, Fish KN, Lewis DA. J Neurosci, 2019 Sep 11, 37 (39), 7277-7290
- Optostimulation of striatonigral terminals in substantia nigra induces dyskinesia that increases after L-DOPA in a mouse model of Parkinson»s disease. Keifman E, Ruiz-DeDiego I, Pafundo DE, Paz RM, Solís O, Murer MG, Moratalla R. Br J Pharmacol, 2019 Jul, 13 (176), 2146-2161
- Presynaptic Effects of N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Receptors Enhance Parvalbumin Cell-Mediated Inhibition of Pyramidal Cells in Mouse Prefrontal Cortex. Pafundo DE, Miyamae T, Lewis DA, Gonzalez-Burgos G. Biol Psychiatry, 2018 Sep 15, 6 (84), 460-470
- Binocular deprivation induces both age-dependent and age-independent forms of plasticity in parvalbumin inhibitory neuron visual response properties. Feese BD, Pafundo DE, Schmehl MN, Kuhlman SJ. J Neurophysiol, 2018 Feb 1, 2 (119), 738-751
- Top-Down-Mediated Facilitation in the Visual Cortex Is Gated by Subcortical Neuromodulation. Pafundo DE, Nicholas MA, Zhang R, Kuhlman SJ. J Neurosci, 2016 Mar 9, 10 (36), 2904-14
- Functional Maturation of GABA Synapses During Postnatal Development of the Monkey Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex. Gonzalez-Burgos G, Miyamae T, Pafundo DE, Yoshino H, Rotaru DC, Hoftman G, Datta D, Zhang Y, Hammond M, Sampson AR, Fish KN, Ermentrout GB, Lewis DA. Cereb Cortex, 2015 Nov, 11 (25), 4076-93
- Cholinergic modulation of neuronal excitability and recurrent excitation-inhibition in prefrontal cortex circuits: implications for gamma oscillations. Pafundo DE, Miyamae T, Lewis DA, Gonzalez-Burgos G. J Physiol, 2013 Oct 1, 19 (591), 4725-48
- PICT 2016-0724 (Joven) Rol: Investigador Principal. 2017-2019.
- PIP_11220200100923CO- Rol: Investigador Principal. 2021-2023
- PICT-2019-00806-Rol: Investigador Principal. 2021-2024
- Juan Belforte (GNS, IFIBIO)
- Gustavo Murer (GNS, IFIBIO)
- Guillermo R Gonzalez-Burgos (University of Pittsburgh, EEUU)