
Systems Neuroscience Group

Genetics of Organ Communication


Maximiliano Katz

Adjunct Researcher, CONICET

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Organ communication is essential for ensuring organismal homeostasis. Different organs and tissues communicate with each other, coordinating their functions through a complex network of molecular signals and signaling pathways. This communication is responsible for controlling vital functions such as metabolism, growth and development, and stress response, among others. It occurs through the release of signaling molecules, such as neurotransmitters and chemical signals, by specific organs and tissues. These signals are recognized by target cells expressing receptors that recognize the specific signals. As a result of this signal-receptor interaction, biochemical and physiological responses are triggered in the target tissue. This communication is crucial for maintaining the proper functioning of the organism, and dysregulation of these communication mechanisms can lead to the development of various pathologies.
Our research group is focused on understanding the genetic and molecular bases that mediate communication between the nervous and digestive systems, using the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster as a model organism. Through a combination of molecular techniques, microscopy, and functional experiments, we aim to understand the molecular physiology responsible for regulating the gut-brain signaling axis under normal conditions, as well as the physiological consequences associated with the dysregulation of this communication axis.

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